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Exit Codes

PSAppDeployToolkit uses pre-defined Exit Codes to indicate the success or failure of a deployment and can be used to control the flow of your deployment logic, or just to understand what happened during a deployment.

Exit CodeDescription
60000-68999Reserved for built-in exit codes in Deploy-Application.ps1, Deploy-Application.exe, and AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1.
69000 - 69999Recommended for user customized exit codes in Deploy-Application.ps1.
70000 - 79999Recommended for user customized exit codes in Deploy-Application.ps1.
60001An error occurred in Deploy-Application.ps1. Check your script syntax use.
60002Administrator privileges required for Execute-ProcessAsUser function.
60003Failure when loading .NET WinForms / WPF Assemblies.
60004Failure when displaying the Blocked Application dialog.
60005AllowSystemInteractionFallback option was not selected in the config XML file, so toolkit will not fall back to SYSTEM context with no interaction.
60006Failed to export the schedule task XML file in Execute-ProcessAsUser function.
60007Deploy-Application.ps1 failed to dot source AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1 either because it could not be found or there was an error while it was being dot sourced.
60008The -UserName parameter in the Execute-ProcessAsUser function has a default value that is empty because no logged in users were detected when the PSAppDeployToolkit was launched.
60009Deploy-Application.exe failed before PowerShell.exe process could be launched.
60013If Execute-Process function captures an exit code out of range for int32 then return this custom exit code.